Please use the Online Pomelo Portal to book your virtual appointment today. If you need an in person appointment, please call us. We are seeing patients in person, after answering some screening questions. We are maintaining social distancing and as such, not every doctor is available in person for the same number of sessions per week as they were prior to Covid. When not in-office, in-person, our doctors are seeing patients remotely over video or by phone. We hope to have more in person clinics running by the end of summer, provided the Covid situation permits us to do so safely.

You must be a registered patient with a valid email address in order to use the online booking feature. If a slot isn’t available please call us and we will accommodate you according to our availability, capacity and the urgency of your situation.

As always, there is a daily urgent care MD available to assess our patients who require same day appointments for urgent problems.

If you have not yet registered, please contact the clinic to get set up.

You can also call the office during regular hours to book your in person, telephone or video appointment.

Video Appointments are easy!

Simply click video appointment when booking online or ask your secretary.


What is a Video Visit?

Video visits are very similar to regular appointments, you can see and speak to your physician, but you will do so from your own home (or office).

There are currently two platforms your physician may use to connect with you via video.

We use Telus Health Virtual Visit.

How to prepare….

  1. When booking your video appointment. please confirm your email address either with the secretary on the phone or by entering it into the appointment description box online.

  2. Watch for an email invitation from Telus Health

  3. On the day of your appointment follow the instructions in your email invitation.

  4. Try to log into the video appointment early to check that your camera, speaker, and microphone on your device work.

  5. Ensure you are in a private location so that you and your physician can talk about your condition as you would in person.

  6. Just like in person appointments, we do run late on occasion because of unforeseen and unavoidable urgent cases. We appreciate your understanding. Stay in the virtual waiting room for at least 15 minutes. If we are running further behind schedule, you may call to reschedule or continue to wait. We always appreciate your understanding.

What about in person appointments?

In-person appointments are available by calling our staff or by self-serve via the Pomelo Portal for online booking

Please note that only a limited number of appointments are currently available to book online via our portal. If you cannot find a suitable appointment time, then it is best to call our staff with your request. Leave a message and we will call you back either the same day, if you indicate the matter is urgent, or by next day.

All prenatal and well-baby/childhood appointments are continuing in person.


A valid Ontario Health Card is required for all appointments whether via telephone, video or in-person.

Please provide at least 24 hours if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment.

To review our clinic policies including our missed appointment policy click here!